Wonderful Time With Arset Kusnadi In West Sumatera

Goodbye Sumatra (boo hoo!) we've had an absolutely fantastic time - can't wait to return!
A huge thank you to my friend Arset, We've had such a wonderful time with you!
I loved travelling with journalist Arset who created media features on our journey. He did such a great job of putting my destination ideas into a program which covered everything I'd asked for, as well as adding his own great ideas.
Definitely recommend Arset to anyone wanting to visit Sumatra, contact direct or pm me.

Speaking of recommendations, Thank you to Dio from Lawang Adventure Park and Ricky from Abdi Home Stay, both are great guys with immense knowledge and experience of their local areas, can't go past either!
Indonesia can seem a little daunting to travel independently but with the right contacts, it's actually very easy .. and affordable.

I'm happy to provide any help or advice to anyone considering Indo.

By: Pia Jessen Also Liane Day, Maree Morris, Maureen Gilbert./ Australia


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